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聖誕手作蜂蠟布工作坊 X'mas Beewax Wrap Workshop - 12月 December

聖誕手作蜂蠟布工作坊 X'mas Beewax Wrap Workshop

對象:5歲或以上 (10歲以下兒童須由家長陪同參與)

成品:2塊天然可重用聖誕版蜂蠟布 (20cm x 20cm + 30cm x 30cm)


Target: 5 years old or above (Participants who are aged under 10 years or below, we are highly recommended that participants should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.)

Product: 2 pieces of Re-usable Beeswax Wrap (Xmas version) (20cm x 20cm + 30cm x 30cm)

Content: Origin of Beeswax Wrap, Usage, Producing methods, Maintainence, Natural seal, Environmental knowledge sharing


工作坊時間表 | Workshop Schedule (12月 December)

  • 14 Dec (7:30pm - 9:00pm)

  • 20 Dec (7:30pm - 9:00pm)

  • 21 Dec (7:30pm - 9:00pm)

12月 December


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